Pro Tip of the Day - quake 4 en Pro tip: Undying in Quake 4 <p>If you're like me (and, you probably wouldn't be reading this site if you weren't at least a little like me), then you probably will occasionally play a game part way through, forget about it, and then pick it up again months (or sometimes years) later. So what do you do when you go back to a game like, say, Quake 4, and just want to get through the rest of the story?</p> <p>Well, you could press the Left CTRL + the Left ALT + the "~" keys all at the same time to bring down the Console. You could then type the word "Undying" (without quotes, natch).</p> <p>Done right, you'll get a confirmation message, and the result?</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Your health will take a beating (like normal), but can't ever dip down past 1 (not like normal). Which effectively makes you immortal. You should be able to finish the game now, no problem.</p> cheating pc pro tip quake 4 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:01:10 +0000 Will 458 at