The Adventures of Lolo is a game where you have to take your guy through a series of rooms in a tower to rescue his girlfriend. Each room is a puzzle that must be solved to proceed, get it wrong and

You dead.
But you get a password that keeps your place, so you can try the room you failed in over and over again until you succeed.

But what happens if you get stuck, really stuck?
Well, take a look at this sample of the level codes for the game:

Notice anything? Several of the codes are the same, they just have the 2nd and 4th letters swapped. So, you might want to go back and play with some of the codes you already have. Swapping some letters around might let you skip ahead. Although the puzzle's going to be harder, so good luck with it!
And, just for your reference, here's a list of all of the correlations (with all the codes removed, can't make it too easy for you... yet)
Level 1-2 < - > Level 3-3
Level 1-3 < - > Level 3-2
Level 1-4 < - > Level 3-1
Level 1-5 < - > Level 2-5
Level 2-1 < - > Level 2-4
Level 2-2 < - > Level 2-3
Level 3-5 < - > Level 4-1
Level 4-2 < - > Level 6-5
Level 4-3 < - > Level 6-4
Level 4-4 < - > Level 6-3
Level 4-5 < - > Level 6-2
Level 5-1 < - > Level 6-1
Level 5-2 < - > Level 5-5
Level 5-3 < - > Level 5-4
Level 7-1 < - > Level 7-2
Level 7-3 < - > Level 10-1
Level 7-4 < - > Level 9-5
Level 7-5 < - > Level 9-4
Level 8-1 < - > Level 9-3
Level 8-2 < - > Level 9-2
Level 8-3 < - > Level 9-1
Level 8-4 < - > Level 8-5
Level 10-2 < - > Level 10-3
You'll notice that this trick stops working after you hit 10-3. You're just going to have to tough it out through the end of the game, I'm afraid.