Pro tip: Lots of free lives in Mega Man X

Mega Man X is a tough game the first few times you play it. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to get lots of lives to kind of ease the learning curve?

Good news for you, then, there is!

First, you have to go to the Armored Armadillo stage. One of the first things you find is this weird cart thingy that shuttles you real fast through portions of the level.

Hop on, and then immediately hop off so that the cart gets out of your way. Then proceed normally until you find this Bubble Bat

Get close and he'll swoop to attack!

Shoot him, though (one shot from any weapon will do), and odds are very high that he'll drop a 1-Up.

Even better is that you can scroll his ledge off the screen and right back and he'll reappear and be ready to drop another 1-Up. You can repeat this as many times as you want (though you won't get much benefit after you get 9 of 'em).