Pro Tip of the Day - kgjpmlb en Pro tip: See who created Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball any time you want <p>Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball is one of my favorite baseball games of all time. It's just Plain Good(tm). But have you ever wondered to yourself who was responsible for bringing this game to life? I sure have.</p> <p>An easy way to find out is to go to the title screen.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Then (kind of quickly) press: B, A, Down, B, Up, B, B, A. (You can remember this code easily if you remember BAD BUBBA)</p> <p>The result?</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>The credit sequence, without having to do any more work than that.</p> button codes kgjpmlb pro tip SNES Wed, 15 Apr 2009 12:35:47 +0000 Will 152 at