Pro Tip of the Day - tales of en Pro tip: reading the synopsis in the Tales of... games <p>The <em>Tales Of... </em> games are pretty good RPGs, but like a lot of RPGs, the plots sometimes get a little bit tough to follow. But you have a (not very) secret weapon.</p> <p>Check out my status screen from Tales of Symphonia for the Game Cube:</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>The bottom-right option is 'synopsis', which shows a list of topics</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>which tell you a brief recap of what's happened so far, and what you should do next.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Which is pretty awesome if you have a tough time following the story for some reason, plus it gives you insights into how the story's playing out that you may have missed otherwise. Which, when the story gets as complicated as it does in this game, that's not a bad thing.</p> gamecube pro tip tales of wii xbox 360 Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:25:36 +0000 Will 196 at