Pro Tip of the Day - mendel palace en Pro tip: Extra Mendel Palace stages <p>Mendel Palace is an odd little game. You have to manipulate the tiles on the floor around in such a way that you slide the enemies into the walls. </p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>But, what if you've played the original set of levels to death and want a different challenge?</p> <p>You could hold Start and Select and then press Reset on your console. You might then notice that the title screen is a little bit different.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>You now have some more levels to challenge your tile-sliding fingers, known as the Extra Stages by... well, just me, really.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>But no matter what you call them, they start out slightly tougher than the main game does, so good luck!</p> button codes mendel palace NES pro tip Thu, 30 Jul 2009 12:41:58 +0000 Will 228 at