Pro Tip of the Day - pipe dream en Pro tip: ceasing the flow of fluid in the NES Pipe Dream <p>Pipe Dream is a little odd. You have to lay down some pipes to create a path for some kind of liquid to run through. The thing is, though, that the liquid flows as you're laying down the pipes, and if it dribbles out the end your progress is stopped, and your score is tallied. So, it's a high-pressure situation.</p> <p>Unless...</p> <p>Unless you press (and hold) Start to pause the game</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>And while you're holding Start, press</p> <blockquote><p>A, B, B, A</p></blockquote> <p>Then, unpause.</p> <p>Done correctly, pressing the B button will stop the ebb of fluid, and allow you to build pipes to your heart's content.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Then you just press Select once you've created your masterpiece to let the fluid flow again.</p> button codes NES pipe dream pro tip Wed, 02 Sep 2009 12:37:56 +0000 Will 252 at