Pro Tip of the Day - super nes en Pro tip: Alternate uses for Ether medallion <p>There are lots of times in the Super NES Legend of Zelda game where you will find a situation like this:</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>It's pretty obvious that you need to get across that chasm, and it's also pretty obvious that there is a quantity of invisible flooring in some configuration, since there are enemies standing on the gaping nothingness. Usually, though, when you find a place like this, there are lanterns that you have to light which will illuminate the floor somehow, but what if they go out before you get across? Or, worse, what if they're not there to start with? You could create a fake block with the Cane of Somaria and walk slowly across the floor, pushing the block in front of you and then use a piece of graph paper to map out where the pitfalls are. But that sounds way too tedious and far too much like work for me.</p> <p>What you might think about doing is using your super-handy Ether medallion. Which will damage enemies in the vicinity, but also has the side effect of lighting up the room and momentarily revealing the floor's layout.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Now, as long as you can remember that floor layout for the ten seconds it'll take to cross it, you're in great shape. Or, if you're like me and forget halfway across, just use it again for a refresher.</p> legend of zelda 3 SNES super nes technique Fri, 07 Nov 2008 14:00:00 +0000 Will 21 at