Pro Tip of the Day - james pond 2 en Pro tip: lengthy invincibility in James Pond 2: Codename Robocod <p>Toward the beginning of James Pond 2, you'll find a group of collectibles laid out as such:</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>Not too exciting, right?</p> <p>But!</p> <p>If you collect them in this order:</p> <p><b>C</b>ake<br /> <b>H</b>ammer<br /> <b>E</b>arth<br /> <b>A</b>pple<br /> <b>T</b>ap (at least, I'm pretty sure it's a Tap... like a spigot)</p> <p>(the first letters of which conveniently spells out the word 'CHEAT'), you become invincible... for several minutes, in fact. I was able to clear out two whole areas and part of a third before it wore off. Just don't get too complacent, it will wear off without much of a warning.</p> easter eggs genesis james pond 2 pro tip Thu, 11 Feb 2010 13:11:57 +0000 Will 368 at