Pro Tip of the Day - dos en When all else fails, consult a walkthrough. Featuring Skullduggery: Adventures in Horror <p>In my formative gaming years, I used to spend a lot of time playing text-adventure games. You know, the kind with no real graphics that involve you typing commands to your avatar to make him do stuff? One of the ones I spent a huge amount of time with was Skullduggery: Adventures in Horror.</p> <div align="center"><img src="" /></div> <p>I spent hours and hours with the thing, but just didn't have the chops to finish the game... until I found the walkthrough many years later. (Keep in mind that this was before GameFAQs even existed, so there was no central location for help documents). Using that, I was able to get past the parts that plagued me and finally finish the game.</p> <p>But, using walkthroughs is a slippery slope. If you're not careful, it's really easy to use them as a crutch and just check for the results of the puzzles presented to you instead of being thoughtful and at least trying to solve them on your own.</p> <p>As an added bonus, I'm providing the game (as well as its walkthrough) here for you to download, <em>including</em> the walkthrough (not written by me) for your perusal. Just note that 1. this file is "as-is", I make no guarantee that it will even work for you, 2. I can't provide any tech support for it, 3. it won't work under Windows Vista or Windows 7 unless you use an emulator such as DOSBox or Windows XP Mode, and 4. I can't provide tech support for emulators either. </p> <p>You can download the file <a href="">here</a>, and good luck! You'll need it!</p> cheating dos general oldschool pro tip skullduggery walkthrough Fri, 09 Jul 2010 12:06:02 +0000 Will 474 at