Ikari Warriors is a pretty tough game. You take your shirtless hero up against a heavily armed army in an attempt to kill them all for one reason or another.
It's just about as hard as it sounds.
But if you just can't seem to make good progress in the game, you can put in the longest level-select code that I know about.
First, go to the title screen

wait for the guys to get done with their little dance (or just press Start). Then put in the following on Controller 1:
Up, Down, A, A, B, Left, Right, A, B, Up, A, Down, Right, Right, Left, B, Up, Left, A, Right, B, Left, Right, A, Left, Up, A, Down, A, Right, Left, B, Start
You have to get all that in before the demo starts.
Then you see the familiar plane-landing sequence

Here, press A or B and you'll see the familiar 'Area 1' display come up. Press either A or B to change it and press Start to begin on the area of your choice.

They get harder as the game goes on, so, good luck!