back to the future 2 and 3

Pro tip: Accessing Back to the Future III

Back to the Future 2 and 3 are decent movies, but the NES video game is completely bizarre.

In the Back to the Future 2 part, you have to guide Marty around 1985, 1955, and 2015 to find secret rooms, then clear out all the stuff in said rooms to get key items, then put the key items in other secret rooms all to get access to the second half of the game, Back to the Future 3.

And, assuming you did all of that, you get to go to Back to the Future 3 to do it all again.

But! What if you go to the title screen.

Hold down the B button and press Select

You get a scrambled password screen!

Rearrange the letters like so:

And you'll be able to jump right to the Back to the Future 3 part, which is a little bit shorter, and features Marty wearing a cowboy hat.

Fun times!

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